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German White Extra Hardy is a reliable porcelain hard neck garlic producing large bulbs with fat elongated cloves. The full-bodied spicy flavor makes it superb for roasting. Good all purpose garlic, is easy to peel and stores well. This variety is known for both its cold tolerance and consistent yield in a variety of growing conditions. 5–8 cloves per bulb, with white outer skin concealing  the red skin of the cloves. Classic garlic flavor works well in a wide range of recipes and cuisines, and keeps well in storage.

German White Extra Hardy, Porcelain Hardneck

  • This product does not ship outside the United States.

    Due to restrictions, we cannot ship garlic to the following states: ID, HI, AA, AE, AP, AS, FM, GU, MH, MP, PR, PW, VI.

    Shipping: Your order will via ship USPS Priority Mail. When your garlic arrives, open your package immediately and inspect it. If you have any questions or concerns, now is the time to contact us! Leave bags open, store your garlic in a dark and cool place until you are ready to plant. Don’t store in plastic or the refrigerator.

    Returns: We do not accept returns as we cannot absolutely guarantee our seed will perform well for you, as there are too many variables in soil type, time of planting, and climate, however if your garlic arrives damaged please contact us!

  •  Plant cloves in well-drained soil rich in organic matter and full sun when you receive your bulbs. Do not hold your bulbs until the next planting season. Each bulb is made up of several sections called “cloves” held together by a thin, papery covering. Before planting break the cloves apart and plant each separately. Choose a location in full sun with well-drained soil where you did not plant garlic the previous year. Plant garlic 2-4 weeks before the ground freezes solid. This will enable the cloves to establish some roots while minimizing the amount of top growth prior to winter. If your ground does not freeze solid, plant 2-4 weeks before the coldest time of year. Spring planting will yield small bulbs.)

    Plant individual cloves approximately 6" apart in rows 24" apart, or 3 - 4 rows per bed with 6" spacing in and between rows. Push the clove, root end (rounded end) down, about 2 - 3" into the soil, or place cloves in a furrow and cover with 2 - 3" of soil. Cover with 3 - 4" of mulched straw or leaves. The color, flavor, and size of garlic heads can be variable depending on location, fertility, and weather.Provide nitrogen during vegetative growth in the early Spring and deep watering as needed. Keep water in the root zone, not around bulbs. Cut off water about 2-3 weeks before harvest. Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating. Avoid disturbing the soil around the plants when weeding.

    Topping hard neck garlic: Hard neck garlic will form flower stalks, called scapes. The scapes are hard, long, curled stalks that appear 1 - 2 months after the first leaves. Top the plants by cutting the scape from the plant when the scape begins to curl. Scapes are edible and are great for pesto, pasta sauces, grilled/roasted, and so much more!

    How to harvest:In summer when the bottom leaves are beginning to yellow and when 3 - 4 lower leaves turn brown, which should be in June through August, depending on your location. Do not leave in the ground too long or bulbs will separate and rot. Dig garlic with a spading fork, being careful not to bruise the bulbs. Brush off the soil before curing and storing the bulbs.

    Storage: Cure in a warm, shady place with good air circulation (gentle air flow is important; do not point a fan directly at the curing bulbs). To avoid potential damage to curing bulbs, avoid high heat and direct sun. Hang in bundles or spread as a single layer on screens or drying racks. Allow to cure until the neck is dry and outer skin is papery, approximately 2 - 3 weeks. Trim off stalks and roots and keep in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place at 45 - 55°F (7 - 13°C) and 50 - 60% relative humidity. Garlic stored in the refrigerator is likely to sprout.

    Other notes: Hardneck garlic requires exposure to cold temperatures. If you are growing where temperatures are not consistently below 40-50°F (4-10°C) in the winter, you may need to apply a cold treatment by placing you garlic in a paper bag and refrigerate for 10-12 weeks prior to planting.

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